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Erreur :8192
fichier :/home/taptoula/www/destination-jetlag/root/cgi_include/objpage/objpage.php
Pile :#0 ObjGestionErreur::formateMessage(8192, Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ObjPage has a deprecated constructor, /home/taptoula/www/destination-jetlag/root/cgi_include/objpage/objpage.php, 2) called at [/home/taptoula/www/destination-jetlag/root/cgi_include/objgestionerreur/objgestionerreur.php:35]
#1 ObjGestionErreur::catchErreur(8192, Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ObjPage has a deprecated constructor, /home/taptoula/www/destination-jetlag/root/cgi_include/objpage/objpage.php, 2, Array ([Class] => objpage)) called at [/home/taptoula/www/destination-jetlag/root/cgi_include/commun/global.php:32]
#2 require_once() called at [/home/taptoula/www/destination-jetlag/root/cgi_include/commun/global.php:32]
#3 __autoload(objpage) called at [/home/taptoula/www/destination-jetlag/root/cgi/accueil/index.php:5]
ligne :2
message :Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; ObjPage has a deprecated constructor

langage :fr

f_langue :fr
